We know the story and pain of having a barking dog at home all too well. Here’s a few customer experiences that were too good not to share:

PJ the Barkaholic
30 June 2019
Hi I’m PJ, and my dog is addicted to barking. And not just barking. He likes to yowl and bark and howl as if the very hounds of hell are racing up the driveway. Fly in the house? Must bark. Black sack looking ominous? Must bark as if death himself is about to emerge from said sack. Branch fallen on the ground? Growling and frenzied barking are required to ensure branch does not try and kill anyone. You get the picture.
But the worst, most ear exploding, most eye rupturing sounds are saved for the car. The yowls and psychotic barking when we near the park or (heaven forbid) I get out of the car without him, are loud enough to bring whole armies to their knees. All from a pup that is only slightly bigger than my cat.
We’ve tried many methods to stop this car carnage. Bribes, threats, distraction, dog whistles and the good old squirty water bottle amongst them. But his need to carry on like someone is ripping his entrails out has proven too much of an addiction. I point blank refuse to use anything that would hurt him, so citronella and electric shock collars were never an option. This little beeping, vibrating thingummy was last option before we gave in and started using ear plugs.
Turned it up to 3 and popped it on his neck to a high level of snugness and drove off. And bugger me Aunty Edith’s old backgammon set. Woofing in the car is muchly reduced. MUCHLY reduced. He still goes bark-bark batsh*t if I leave the car, but the rest of the journey, although not totally silent, is MUCH better.

The stubborn toy cavoodle
26 February 2021
We have had this collar on her for only 2 days and we’ve seen an IMMEDIATE difference at the first bark. She’s a great dog, however, compared to our Border Collie & Kelpie she simply does not listen when you try to stop her from barking. It doesn't matter what we do or how we try to prevent it or shorten her bark time-she just turns her ears off. The moment we put this on her and she went to run to the fence where another dog is she stopped mid bark just from the sound that is released from the collar. Given she barks ALOT at next door and anyone that comes into the driveway I wanted to watch how she responded for the entire day and it just got better. I love that this doesn't hurt her or scare her. It simply corrects her. I've noticed that even if she wants to keep barking she is very cautious and brings her bark to a low level, but within 48 hours we can't believe how dramatic the difference is. If you have a dog like ours or just want the barking to stop, you've found the right product and it's value for money AND your sanity is well spent!! We are so stoked on this. She is a toy cavoodle to give you an idea of her size. She's approx. 5kg and the strap was perfect to adjust to her little sized neck.
The loud night patrol
20 March 2019
My toy poodle barks A LOT! If I’m in the same room, I can tell him to be quiet and he will (usually). The issue I had was at night when he roamed the house and we were asleep. He would hear noises and bark non-stop. As we are sleeping in another room, I would have to get up and tell him to be quiet, but he would always start barking again an hour later. After many nights of interrupted sleep I was tearing my hair out. I bought the collar and tested it during the day. We had someone ring the doorbell and our dog did his usual trick of running and barking like crazy. The collar beeped and he didn’t hear it! He barked again and the next beep, it made him pause, but he barked again so the collar buzzed. This made him stop and look around surprised. We rang the doorbell again and this time, it took 2 beeps to make him stop. When someone came to the door in the evening, one beep and he stopped barking. That night, I heard him bark once and stop immediately. It works!!! Now we only put the collar on at night. Our dog knows when we are switching collars. He immediately behaves differently and moderates his barking. During the day, he barks as usual and I don’t mind as I like him to alert me if someone is approaching the house. At night, we can finally sleep!